How is God inviting you to actively work to see others as integral parts of the Body of Christ, regardless of their differences?
Asking God for the grace to see, perhaps meditating on a variety of relevant and useful things, and also slowing down to interact with the people I tend to 'other.' To "see" is to "understand," I think, and this particular understanding isn't only an intellectual understanding, but an understanding within the heart. This conversion of heart is a matter of turning "othering" into love, and only God can really grow love in us. But, we are active participants. For me, I know when I talk to folks who I tend to other, I see that they're also family people, proud grandparents, parents who are saving for their children's college, straining the finances to buy another baby seat, etc. People with nine to fives and bad bosses. Knowing that makes them more relatable to me.
I'm not sure if it's too contrived, but perhaps meditating on passages of inclusivity. Messages of acceptance from not just scripture, but perhaps modern, real-life instances. Perhaps even using the imagination to think through the life and humanity and, therefore, the intrinsic value of a person, real or imagined, I may tend to other.
How can you push the pause button before you might 'other'?
I'm not sure there's more than one way to pause. "Pausing" is being quiet, internally and externally. Which is awkward, and may indicate that I needed to stop myself from saying something. Unfortunately, it's something I'm actually pretty comfortable doing nowadays. Once I disagree, I'm happy to look you in the eyes and let that smolder.'s habitual. So in my case, it's not so much "pausing" that I need to learn when I'm about to other someone, as it is taking action in a more loving way. "Getting curious," as has been recommended to me.
Ask God for the strength to live out the call to unity and inclusivity in your daily life.