31 Dec

Dear Lord,

This has been the most connected to You I've felt in a couple of weeks. Thank You. I can tell I'm not as on fire as I was a couple of weeks ago, but I still feel the flame of love for You. Thank you. Please keep it kindled.

What were the significant interior movements?


What was the prevailing mood of my prayer: peace, agitation, excitement, bordeom, confusion, calm?


Was my prayer more about the head or the heart, or about both?


What word, phrase, image, or memory meant most to me during prayer?


Is there some unfinished business that I think God is calling me to return to during another time of prayer?


Is there something happening in my life that is becoming part of my prayer? Do I feel moved to do something concrete in my life?


Am I making the necessary preparations for my prayer? Is there anything I am doing or not doing that is getting in the way of my listening to God or speaking from the heart?
